Dear Muslimah Are You An Oppressor

Like Some Of the Men Arefeop_oppressor

Because In The End
Every Type Of Oppression Pays


Dear muslim sisters,

The following ayats & hadiths sows concern in a Muslim towards other Muslims.

(Holy Quran Surah 3:110) “You are the best nation which has ever been raised for the guidance of mankind. You enjoin good, forbid evil, and believe in Allah…..”

(Holy Quran Surah 3:103) “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; “

(Holy Quran Surah 23:52,53) “And verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear Me (and no other). But people have cut off their affair (of unity) between them into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself.”

(Sahih Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 73, No. 40) “Narrated An-Nu’man bin Bashir: Allah’s Apostle said, “You see the believers as regards their being merciful among themselves and showing love among themselves and being kind, resembling one body, so that, if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness (insomnia) and fever with it.”””

(Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 41, No. 4900) Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet (PBUH) said: The believer is the believer’s mirror, and the believer is the believer’s brother who guards him against loss and protects him when he is absent.

Reading above develops love, respect, concern, duty, etc. in a Muslim towards other members of Ummah, you & me are part of the Ummah on account of saying “There is no god but Allah Muhammad (pbuh) is messenger of Allah”, so below is presented as the outcome of that.

We believe that Al-Quran is a book of guidance, but the Holy Quran itself clears that it is a book of guidance for those who are God conscious.

(Holy Quran Surah 2:2) “This is The Book in which there is no doubt. It is a guide for those who are God conscious,”

But for oppressors Al-Quran only adds to loss.

(Holy Quran Surah 17:82) “We have revealed the Qur’an which is a healing and a mercy to the believers, while to the oppressive it adds nothing but loss.”

Oppression is defined as ‘unjust exercise of authority’.

But before going further into we being Oppressors, firstly – why is it important to be God conscious? For people with different level of faith the answer to this i.e. ‘why be God conscious’ will be different. For friends of Allah it is the love of Allah which makes them conscious of Allah. For a rational person, the fact that Allah is our creator & sustainer and is all-wise & all-mighty implies that we should follow the laws sent by Him. But for a regular being like us, the lowest reason why we should be God conscious is our Death. The fact that we are alive has only one conclusion which is our Death. As is stated in Al-Quran

(Holy Quran Surah 29:57) “Every soul shall taste death, then to Us you shall all return.”


And after our Death we along with our deeds will be returned to Allah for reckoning. Death is what limits the life; regardless of the fact we always like to skip even the thought of this inevitability (i.e. our death). Death and subsequent Reckoning leaves us with no choice but to be God-Conscious.

(Holy Quran Surah 10:56) “He is the One Who gives life and causes death, and to Him you shall all return”

(Holy Quran Surah 39:7) “………Ultimately, all of you have to return to your Rabb. Then He will tell you the truth of all that you did in this life. Surely He knows even the secrets of your hearts.”

Now back to we being Oppressors. As stated earlier Oppression is defined as ‘unjust exercise of authority’. Every one of us has been given some kind of peculiarities and authority at different levels like at relational, gender, professional levels, etc.

(Holy Quran Surah 4:32) “Do not envy that Allah has given some of you more than the others. Men will be rewarded according to their deeds and women will be rewarded according to theirs. Ask Allah for His grace. Surely Allah has perfect knowledge of everything”

For example a man as a father has a kind of authority over a family, as a male has been endowed with strength more than a female, as a professional has certain powers by virtue of the profession. Now this man has a choice of either of using the authority / strength / powers in a way that Allah asks of him or he can use these things in unjust manner and thus be an oppressor.

His choice will not only affect his life and of his family, but whole society and his future generations will be affected as well. More importantly his decision decides his hereafter. The reality of DEATH is so real to be ignored and on his DEATH the consequences of his choice will be evident to him.

Sister, similarly a person as a mother has been endowed with authority over her children; as a homemaker or a professional has power to take decisions; as a female has been given the power of beauty & charms. Again, She has a choice to either justly use her position in various aspects of life or abuse it.

(Holy Quran Surah 90:10) “Then shown him the two highways (good leading towards paradise and evil leading towards hell)?”

(Holy Quran Surah 76:3,4) “Then We guided him to the Way: Now, it is his choice either to be grateful or to be a disbeliever. For the disbelievers, We have prepared chains, fetters and a blazing fire.”

(Holy Quran Surah 91:8,9,10) “and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for it: indeed successful will be the one who keeps it pure, and indeed failure will be the one who corrupts it!”

(Holy Quran Surah 10:108) “O Muhammad, declare: “O mankind! The truth has come to you from your Rabb! He that follows guidance (Right Way) follows it for his own good, and he that goes astray does so at his own risk; for I am not a custodian over you.”

The most important authority that a female has been given is her beauty & charms. It is one of the ultimate test for her. Her decision / choice regarding it determine not only the peace & healthiness of a society but of her & her future generations as well and most importantly her choices determine her life after her inevitable DEATH. It is such a responsibility put on women that many ayats of Quran and many Hadith as well have been revealed to guide a muslimah in this matter.

(Holy Quran Surah An-Nur 24:31) And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their……………………

(Holy Quran Surah Al-Ahzab 33:59) O Prophet! Enjoin your wives, daughters and the believing women that they should draw their outer garments over their persons. That is more proper, so that they may be recognized and not bothered. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

(Holy Quran Surah Al-A’raf 7:27) O children of Adam! Let not Shaitan seduce you in the same manner as he seduced your parents out of paradise through stripping them of their clothing in order to expose their nakedness. He and his tribe watch you from where you cannot see them. We have permitted the shaitans to be the guardians over the unbelievers.

(Holy Quran Sura Al-A’raf 7:26) O children of Adam! We have sent down to you clothing to cover your nakedness and as an adornment, however, the best clothing is the clothing of piety. This is one of Allah’s revelations so that the people may learn a lesson.

(Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 1065) Narrated by AbuMusa- Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Every eye is lustful and when a woman applies perfume and then goes about in an assembly, she is like such and such, i.e. an adulteress.

(Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 32, Number 4087) Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed the man who dressed like a woman and the woman who dressed like a man.

(Sahih Muslim Book 040, Number 6840) Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Two are the types amongst the denizens of Hell, the one possessing whips like the tail of an ox and they flog people with their help. (The second one) the women who would be naked in spite of their being dressed, who are seduced (to wrong paths) and seduce others with their hair high like humps. These women would not get into Paradise and they would not perceive the odour of Paradise, although its fragrance can be perceived from such and such distance (from great distance).

(Sahih Bukhari Book 2, Number 8) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e. parts). And Haya is a part of faith.”

(Baihaqi) Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “Indeed haya (modesty) and Iman are Companions. When one of them is lifted, the other leaves as well.”

(Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 56, Number 690) Narrated Abu Masud Uqba: The Prophet said, “One of the sayings of the prophets which the people have got, is. ‘If you do not feel ashamed, then do whatever you like.”

Dear Sisters, Allah after giving you beauty wants you to be responsible with it and You will be held accountable about what you did with it.

If man’s use of God-given strength is not according to the moral laws defined by Allah then there will be corruption on earth like killing, rapes, abuse, alcoholism, oppression in various forms, etc. and for this corruption of his he will earn Hell for himself. Similarly a women has been endowed with beauty & charms, if she does not implement the laws of Allah over it then similarly there will corruption on earth and life on earth will be but peaceful and she will earn Hell for herself for going against laws of Allah.

Sister if you will use your wisdom given by Allah, you will realize that your beauty is not self-made, you did not create yourself or your beauty but it’s creator is Allah and it is a trust with you. You will also come to conclusion that Allah has every right to govern what he has created, like his laws govern the heavenly bodies like sun, moon, stars, etc. But this life of ours being a test for each one of us, the choice of implementing the laws has been given to you with the disclaimer that your choice affects the whole society and most importantly affects your life after DEATH, starting with your life in GRAVE.

(Holy Quran Surah 82:6) O man! What has lured you away from your gracious Rabb, (7) Who created you, fashioned you, proportioned you, (8) and moulded you in whatever form He pleased?

(Holy Quran Surah 75:36) Does man think that he will be left to wander around without any purpose? (37) Was he not once a drop of emitted semen? (38) Then he became a leechlike mass, then Allah created him and fashioned him in due proportion, (39) and made him either of the two sexes, male and female.

Many sisters, when requested to be modest in their ignorance or arrogance uses ‘theory of individualism’- “its my life I will do what I like”, “I will answer myself to God”, “I do not care”, `“if I can do it I will do it”, etc. For a Muslim whose faith is on reckoning to use these phrases is perplexing. When a person declares him/her-self as Muslim, he/she becomes part of a body called Ummah. This body is governed by laws of Islam. As an Ummati our actions not only affect us as individuals but determine the state of Ummah as well. The collective prayer (jamaat), collective fast of ramadhan, jinaza, zakat / sadaqa, hajj, concept of amr-bin-maroof nahi-anil-munkar (commanding good forbidding evil), jihad, etc shows how much importance Islam gives to collectiveness.

(Holy Quran Surah 23:52) “And verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear Me (and no other). But people have cut off their affair (of unity) between them into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself.”

We live in and we are part of a society. Society is defined as ‘organized and interdependent community’. Now if a person wants to be totally independent, wants to do whatever he/she likes then why live in a society which is defined as ‘interdependent community’. But if a person has decided to be part of society then it’s his/her responsibility not to oppress it but be positive & responsible member of it.

“its my life I will do what I like”, “I will answer myself to God”, etc. leads to all types of corruption –moral, economic, ethical, political, social -in a society. When a bribe demanding official is confronted he also says “its my life I will do what I like”, “I will answer myself to God”, “if I can do it I will do it”, “rok sako to roklo” as is said by other corrupters like a selfish doctor, etc. Putting forward these types of arguments does not justify anything but with these arguments a corrupter just deludes him/her-self and it is the society that suffers at collective level and he/she continues to earn hell for him/her-self which will become evident to him/her on his/her inevitable DEATH.

Sister if you do not execute the responsibility of the beauty that you have been entrusted with and if you do not implement the laws of Allah on your beauty which He has given you then you are as Oppressor as the men who does not use their strength / faculties as per the laws of Allah. The result of any kind of Oppression is the peace-less society in this world and the HELL in the hereafter.

(Holy Quran Surah 30:41) Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea in consequence of man’s own misdeeds. Through such wars Allah let people taste the fruit of their deeds, so that they may turn back from evil.

One of the common reason for wearing clothes which do not confirm to Islamic ethics is ‘I want to look modern’. Whose definition of modernity to follow? If we go by the western definition of the modernity, then what lies ahead is the yoga pants, skirts, sleeveless shirts then the short skirts, then the bikinis then the topless fashion and what not because shame only makes animal out of a human. Again these things for a kafir is comprehensible because anyway he/she is going to hell, but when a person whose claim is ‘La ila ha illal la Muhamdur rasool ullah (pbuh)’ whose deen is Islam and whose belief is on reckoning, adopts these it only shows about the ‘seriousness’ of their claim, because if they believe in death, reckoning & hell why would they do the things which leads to exactly that. The western definition of modernity has degraded women as ‘secretaries’, ‘girlfriends’, ‘porn stars’, ‘models’, ‘single mothers’, fornicatress, adulteresses, call-girls, cam-girls, escorts and what not and has given rise to culture of molestation, date-rape, gang-rape, rape, born-out-of-wedlock, corporate-brothel-houses, lesbianism, AIDS, etc. #MeToo is manifestation of their definition of modernity.

Some statistics of the outcome of western definition of modernity:

  1. Estimated number of prostitutes in United States is 1 Million.
  2. According to research done by Swansea University, a staggering 1 in 20 students in US had worked in the sex industry while studying for a degree.
  3. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey, 1 in 6 U.S. women raped in US
  4. Surveys show that 22% of married men in US have committed an adulterous act at least once in their life
  5. 14 percent of married women in US have had affairs at least once during their married lives

(Holy Quran Surah 2:120) The Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you, until you follow their faith. O Muhammad, tell them: “Allah’s guidance is the only guidance;” and if after all the knowledge you have received, you yield to their desires, there shall be none to protect you or help you from the wrath of Allah.

(Holy Quran Surah 2:109) Many among the people of the Book (Jews and Christian) wish they could somehow turn you back to unbelief; due to their selfish envy, after the truth has become quite clear to them. Forgive them and bear with them until Allah brings about His decision; rest assured that Allah has power over everything.

(Holy Quran Surah 3:100) O believers! If you were to obey a group of those who were given the Book, they will turn you back from belief to unbelief.

(Holy Quran Surah 3:149) O believers! If you yield to the unbelievers they will drag you back to unbelief and you will become the losers.

(Holy Quran Sura 3.118) O believers! Do not make intimate friendships with any but with your own people. The unbelievers will not miss any opportunity to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your destruction: their malice has become evident from what they say; and what they conceal in their hearts is far worse. We have made Our revelations plain to you, if you do want to comprehend.

We have a choice to a make between shaitan induced western model and Allah guided Muhammad (pbuh) model, and INDEED the choice is OURS to be made because this is what this worldly life of ours is all about -set of choices/decisions which determines our hereafter.

(Holy Quran Surah 76:3,4) “Then We guided him to the Way: Now, it is his choice either to be grateful or to be a disbeliever. For the disbelievers, We have prepared chains, fetters and a blazing fire.”

(Holy Quran Surah 91:8,9,10) “and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for it: indeed successful will be the one who keeps it pure, and indeed failure will be the one who corrupts it!”

We all should remember not following Islam does not make it less obligatory, not remembering our death does not mean we will live forever and not caring about our reckoning won’t deflect the Day of Judgment. Islam is still obligatory, we will indeed Die, and Day of Judgment will indeed be established where our choices and decisions will be paid back.

(Holy Quran Sura 16:111) On the Day of Judgement every soul will come pleading for itself and every soul will be paid in full for what it has done, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.

Sisters please show a sign of wisdom & iman and stop following kuffar/shaitanic model and carve your Islamic identity.

(Holy Quran Sura 10:7,8) As for those who do not hope to meet Us on the Day of Judgement, being well pleased and satisfied with this worldly life and those who give no heed to Our revelations, they shall have the Fire as their abode because of what they had earned (erroneous creed and wrong conduct).

Dear sister covering your body as asked by Allah is worshiping of Him, and worshiping Allah in youth has even more merits. The youth and beauty does not last long. When you will become old, wrinkles will show up and your beauty will diminish and you will become relatively ugly version of yourself, covering then is still significant but covering in youth is what the crux is, even Allah allow some relaxation for old women.

(Holy Quran Sura 24:60) There is no blame on such elderly women who have no interest in getting married, if they lay aside their cloaks without displaying their adornment, but it is better for them if they do not discard. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

(Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1, Book 11, No. 629) Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, “Allah will give shade, to seven, on the Day when there will be no shade but His. (These seven persons are) a just ruler, a youth who has been brought up in the worship of Allah (i.e. worships Allah sincerely from childhood), ………………..

feop_foolingSome try to deceive themselves by putting a piece of cloth on head (supposedly a hijab) and rest is as western/satanic as it can get. Whom they are trying to fool themselves, ummah or Allah?

(Holy Quran Sura 2:208) O believers enter into Islam completely and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan, surely he is your clear-cut enemy.

For some, the reason for wearing clothes not conforming to Islamic code is either peer-pressure or societal-pressure. Dear Sister, please be strong, cultivate and find the courage in you to say No to people who want to lead you to regression.

(Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 41, Number 4815) Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet (pbuh) said: A man follows the religion of his friend; so each one should consider whom he makes his friend.

(Holy Quran Sura 3:186) You shall certainly be tested with by means of your wealth and with your persons; and you will certainly hear much that is hurtful from those who were given the Book before you, and from the mushrikin. But if you endure with patience and have fear of Allah, this will surely be a proof of your firm determination.

(Holy Quran Sura 3:142) Do you think that you will enter paradise without going through the trial? Allah has not yet tested you to see who among you strive hard for His cause and who show patience for His sake.

(Holy Quran Sura 5:54) …….., striving hard in the way of Allah, and will have no fear of reproach from any critic. …………..

Sisters please take few moments of your life and sit with yourself and discard show-off and discard all the peer-pressure & all the societal-pressure and ponder over your decisions, your life and your hereafter; may Allah guide you in your decisions and choices –aameeen.

Dear Muslim Sisters the appeal is to your Iman & Wisdom.

And lastly the decent dress is the start of the modesty and not the climax of it.


(Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5249) Narrated by Abdullah ibn Amr Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said, “The world is the believer’s prison and famine, but when he leaves the world he leaves the prison and the famine.”

(Holy Quran Sura 3:19) Surely the only Deen in the sight of Allah is Al-Islam….