Lessons From Hadith of Ghadeer-e-Khum, Battle of Siffin and Battle of Karbala



It is the duty of Shaitan to cast its shadow on truth in order to take men away from truth and put them on path of crookedness. He successfully did it when Bani-Isreal worshipped calf even when great Messengers Hazrat Musa (a.s) and Hazrat Harun (a.s) were among them. Iblees again achieved his goal when he was successful in taking Christians off the message of Christ (a.s) to the path of polytheism even when Christians believed in two Holy Books – Old & New testament i.e. Torah and the Injeel. What Shaitaan is able to achieve by making the truth look crooked is mind-blowing. If you were asked to believe in White Shaitan can make you believe in Black while as you think you still believe in White.

With Muslims, Shaitan also tried to cast his shadow on truth and was able to achieve some success. Like with Christianity where Shaitan raised ideas around personality of Hazrat Isa (a.s) to achieve his goal, in Islam Shaitan did the same thing by raising ideas around personality of Hazrat Ali (r.a) the goal was same to mislead men from straight path.

After many decades of Islam in practice, Shaitan raised doubts about the meaning of Hadith of Ghadir Khumm in minds of some Muslims and the rest is history.

By simply looking at the plain facts, their doubts does not hold, but being Shaitan he had his way.

Let’s look at the basic facts.

1. Hazrat Ali (r.a) was a wise person, not only that he is given the title of  ‘Door of House of Wisdom’ by Messenger (PBUH) himself.

Narrated ‘Ali: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “I am the house of wisdom, and ‘Ali is its door.”  Jami` at-Tirmidhi (Tirmidhi/49/120)


2. Hazrat Ali (r.a) was a true moomin and not a person with two shades, he stood for what he believed and was given glad tidings of Paradise in his lifetime itself.

Abdur Rahman ibn ‘Awf reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Abu Bakr is in Paradise. Umar is in Paradise. Uthman is in Paradise. Ali is in Paradise. Talhah is in Paradise. Al-Zubayr is in Paradise. Abdur Rahman ibn ‘Awf is in Paradise. Sa’d is in Paradise. Sa’id is in Paradise. Abu ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah is in Paradise.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3747)


3. Hazrat Ali (r.a.) was not only a moomin but was a brave moomin and was given the title of ‘Hyder’ for his bravery. He is also known by title of ‘Fateha Khyber’ i.e. The conqueror of Khyber.

Narrated Salama: `Ali remained behind the Prophet during the Ghazwa of Khaibar as he was suffering from eye trouble. He then said, (How can) I remain behind the Prophet , and followed him. So when he slept on the night of the conquest of Khaibar, the Prophet said, I will give the flag tomorrow, or tomorrow the flag will be taken by a man who is loved by Allah and His Apostle , and (Khaibar) will be conquered through him, (with Allah’s help) While every one of us was hopeful to have the flag, it was said, Here is `Ali and the Prophet gave him the flag and Khaibar was conquered through him (with Allah’s Help). (Sahih Al Bukhari 1: Chapter 65, Hadith 4209)


So it is established than Hazrat Ali (r.a.) was among the wisest persons incomparable to people that came after Companions (r.a); and that Hazrat Ali (r.a) was Moomin i.e. he acted upon what he believed to be the teaching of Prophet (pbuh); and that Hazrat Ali (r.a) was brave and strong enough to fight & conquer the difficult for the truth no matter who was on the other side.

The hadith of Ghadeer-e-Khum was said by Prophet (pbuh) while holding hand of Hazrat Ali (r.a). In other words ‘the house of wisdom’ said the hadith while holding the hand of ‘door of wisdom’. Who could then better comprehend the meaning and wisdom of the Hadith of Ghaadir-e-Khum than Hazrat Ali (r.a).

From the actions of Hazrat Ali (r.a) after the death of Prophet (pbuh) it is clear that the real meaning of Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum is totally opposite of what was imposed later by some people.

Had the meaning of the Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum been what was imposed latter then Hazrat Ali (r.a) was Wise enough, Mumin enough, Staunch follower of Prophet (pbuh) enough and Brave enough to get that meaning implemented. The FACT that Hazrat Ali (r.a.) did not even mention the Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum while decision was being made about who will be in charge of Muslims after Prophet (pbuh) passed shows the Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum does not imply what it was later interpreted.

Now, those who will still persist that the Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum means what it is interpreted today by them, then it has serious implications and even leads to blasphemy of Hazrat Ali (r.a). How?

It is clear from above facts that the understanding of Hazrat Ali (r.a) of the Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum is different from the understanding of people who use the hadith to sow seeds of confusion. Do they believe their understanding / wisdom is more than then Wisdom of Hazrat Ali (r.a) who has been given title of ‘Door of House of Wisdom’ by Prophet (pbh) himself. Isn’t it blasphemy to consider ones interpretation wiser than Hazrat Ali’s (r.a).

Well some skeptics may say which implies, Hazrat Ali (r.a) did not do anything to not cause rift. Allah hu Akbar! Like a lie leads to 100 lies similarly blasphemy leads to more blasphemies. To even suggest that Hazrat Ali (r.a) had awe of companion of Prophet (pbuh) more than awe of Prophet (pbuh) himself and thus ignored important saying (i.e. Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum) of Prophet (pbuh) is sacrilegious.

Like other companions of Prophet (pbuh) Hazrat Ali (r.a) was the pillar of Islam. He (r.a) would sacrifice his life even for one Order of Prophet (pbuh). Like Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a) made jihad even for one injunction of Islam against munkeraane-zakaat, likewise Hazrat Ali (r.a) was wise enough, mumin enough and brave enough to do the same that too in important matter like Khilafat. He was given titles like ‘door of house of wisdom’, ‘fatih-e-khyber’ for a reason.

In the times of Companions (r.a) even an old lady would stand up and question Hazrat Umer (r.a) about how he got the double piece of cloth more than others. To even suggest that Hazrat Ali (r.a) would not do what even an old lady would do is wicked.

Battle of Siffin is the testimony that Hazrat Ali (r.a) would not mind, would not lag behind to stood up for what is right even if on the other side is other Companion (r.a) whatever be the cost for the truth.

So, if the Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum had meant what some today claim it means then Hazrat Ali (r.a) would undoubtedly have stood for it like in Battle of Camel & Battle of Siffin. But no as per the Wisdom of the ‘Door of -House of Wisdom’ i.e. Hazrat Ali (r.a) the Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum did not mean what it is attributed today.

Even the Battle of Karbala gives the testimony for it. Battle of Karbala shows that Ahle-Bait were not hesitant to even give blood for truth & honour. To suggest Fateh-e-Khyber, Haider-e-Karrar would not do it but His (r.a) son Hazrat Hussain (r.a) would do though both were from Ahle-Bait is preposterous. Hazrat Ali (r.a) did not do it, neither he used  Hadith of Ghadir-e-Khum after Prophet (pbuh) left the world clearly implies that nothing against truth, wisdom and teaching of Prophet (pbuh) was done. To suggest otherwise is to raise questions on Wisdom of ‘Door of House of Wisdom’; is to raise questions on valor of Haider-e-Karrar Fateh-e-Khyber; is to suggest that the actions and intentions of the one among the Ashra-Mubashra were not same —to do that is nothing short of blasphemy.

But like shaitan got its way when bani-israel worshipped calf even in presence of messengers of the time, like he got his way in making the messenger (nouzbillah) ‘son of god’ for a large sect and endless other instances, shaitan got its way here also with many. Shaitan is free till qiyamah, so is human being.

Holy Quran (21:35): ……….. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.