

Why, From whom & Who needs him



Holy Quran Surah As-Saff (61:8) They seek to extinguish the Light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His Light, much as the unbelievers may dislike it

Sahih Muslim Book 020, Number 4553: ………..He said: Yes. (A time will come) when there will be people standing and inviting at the gates of Hell. Whoso responds to their call they will throw them into the fire. I said: Messenger of Allah, describe them for us. He said: All right. They will be a people having the same complexion as ours and speaking our language. I said: Messenger of Allah, what do you suggest if I happen to live in that time? He said: You should stick to the main body of the Muslims and their leader. I said: If they have no (such thing as the) main body and have no leader? He said: Separate yourself from all these factions, though you may have to eat the roots of trees (in a jungle) until death comes to you and you are in this state.

Narrated AbuRafi’: The Prophet (PBUH) said: Let me not find one of you reclining on his couch when he hears something regarding me which I have commanded or forbidden and saying: We do not know. What we found in Allah’s Book we have followed. (Sunan Abi Dawud Book 41, Hadith 4588)

Right from the start of Islam people arose from time to time who tried to extinguish the light of Islam. The often tried approach was to introduce in Islam something which is not part of it. The attempt was to sow a small seed of deviation and then water it and wait for it to become a full tree with fruits of apostasy / innovations / etc.

A classic example is of Qadyanis. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the last & final prophet from Allah; this is so evident and basic in Islam; but even then accursed Ghulam Ahmed of Qadyan was able sow a seed of deviation in the minds of many- that he (maloon Ghulam Ahmed) is the prophet from Allah. The attempt was to declare prophet-hood after which he will be free to interpret Quran as he likes to the satisfaction of his British masters. Like he declared Jihad void, etc.

In earlier nations which had book from Allah like Torah, Injeel, etc, satanic people among them would change the Holy Book itself then claim it from Allah in order to justify their wishes. But since with Holy Quran, Allah has promised to protect it, so satanic people in this nation are not able to do so. But now what they do is to try change the meaning of the Quran; i.e. (mis)interpret the Quran in such a way which will satisfy their desires.

Holy Quran Sura Al-Baqara (2: 79) Woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say: “This is from Allah,” so that they may sell it for a petty price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they have earned.

Holy Quran Sura Al-I’Imran (3: 78) There is among them a section who distort the Book with their tongues; (as they read) you would think it is a part of the Book but it is no part of the Book; and they say “That is from Allah” but it is not from Allah: it is they who tell a lie against Allah and (well) they know it!

Holy Quran Sura Al-Hijr (15: 9) We have without doubt sent down the Message (Quran); and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).

In the latest attempt at trying to extinguish the light of Islam, a man called Muhammad Shafiq urf Kakko Shah Kuk-Kayzai urf Javed Ahmad Ghamidi has popped up for the task. His modus operandi is attacking the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He attempts to render the Hadith of Prophet (pbuh) ineffective; once Hadith is out of the picture then he is free to interpret the Quran as per the wishes of his masters.

The role of the Prophet-hood is not only to receive & convey Holy Book from Allah but the role is also to teach the Book of Allah to masses. Teaching means explaining the meaning of verses of Quran.

Holy Quran Sura Al-Jumua (62: 2) It is He Who has raised among the unlettered people a Rasool of their own, who recites to them His revelations, purifies them, and teaches them the Book and Wisdom, though prior to this they were in gross error,

In above ayat of Quran, conveying / reciting the Quran is mentioned and also is mentioned teaching of Quran i.e. Prophet-hood not only means delivering the Quran as is from Allah but also teaching / explaining the meaning of Quran. To this effect we have been ordered by Allah in Quran to follow the Prophet (pbuh) in whatever he teaches us.

Holy Quran Sura An-Nisaa (4:64) We did not send any Rasool but to be obeyed by Allah’s leave. If they would have come to you when they had wronged themselves to seek Allah’s forgiveness and if the Rasool had also asked Allah’s forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Forgiving, Merciful.

Holy Quran Sura An-Nisaa (4:13) These are the limits set by Allah: those who obey Allah and His Rasool will be admitted to paradise, in which rivers flow, to live therein forever, and that is the Great Achievement. (14) But the ones who disobey Allah and His Rasool and transgress His limits will be cast to Hellfire to live therein forever, and they shall have a humiliating punishment.

Holy Quran Sura Anl-Nisaa (4:80) Anyone who obeys the Rasool, in fact, obeys Allah. As for those who pay no heed, they should know that We have not sent you as a taskmaster over them.

There are many, many, many verses of Quran like above asking us to Obey the Prophet (pbuh)

Allah provided us with Quran and He said in Quran to obey the teachings of Prophet (pbuh). The teachings of Prophet is the explanation of the ayats of Quran and these teachings have been preserved in the form of Hadith by Muslims. Thus we have two complementary sources from which guidance is drawn in Islam i.e Quran and Hadith. Hadith is what prevents misinterpretation of verses of Quran. This is the exact reason why Hadith are always under attack by satanic people & the kuffar.

Seeing the centrality and importance of Hadith in Islam and the fact that with Hadith in place Quran cannot be misinterpreted, Ghamidi attacks the Hadith trying to make it ineffective. He says about hadith in “Fundamentals of Understanding Islam”, “Thus the Prophetic Hadith, a name given to the reports about the sayings, actions and tacit approvals of the Prophet (sws) transmitted through individual to individual (akhbar-i ahad) do not add to the beliefs and practices in the religion.”

Allah-hu-akbar- By saying that teachings of Prophet (pbuh) does not add to beliefs and practices in Islam is a direct attack on prophet-hood of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) like what Qadyanis do. In effect what he means is that teachings of Prophet of Islam (pbuh) has no value in Islam. This is clear contradiction of teachings of Quran. If explanation of Prophet of Islam (pbuh) has no value in Islam then whose explanation of Quran will do? Here comes the real reason of attacking the Hadith, he puts forward his Un-Islamic explanations of Quran .

No wonder the teachings of Prophet (pbuh) and of Ghamidi’s are miles apart. Below is being presented as an example:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) teachings based on teaching / explanation of Holy Quran, mandated by Allah, communicated in the form of Hadith by sahabas Ghamidi’s teachings- what he says is based on his explanations of Holy Quran after rejecting Hadith as source of Shariat
Giving Interest is haram; azab-e-qabar (punishment in grave) is haq; beard is sunnah; wearing garment below the ankle is not allowed for men; covering of hair, head, hijab is mandatory; music is prohibited; shaking hands with non mahram is not allowed; hazrat Isa (a.s) will descend at the end of times; hazrat mahdi (r) will appear; Islam will revive in end-times Giving interest is not haram in Islam; says beard is not a sunnah & it is not included in deen; covering of hair, head, face is not mandatory in hijab; women may lead the prayers in a mixed male female congregational prayer; declares music Is halaal in Islam; says no to Islamic government; he rejects the coming of hazrat Isa (a.s), says Jesus (a.s) died natural death & Allah din’t took him up alive; denies the azab-e-qabar. (punishment in grave ); says shaking hands with non mahram is allowed; rejects the appearance of hazrat Mahdi (r); it is allowed to wear garment below the ankle, now Islam will not revive ever etc. etc.

It is evident from above that teachings of Prophet (pbuh) and of ghamidi are 180o apart. As a ummati / follower of last Prophet (pbuh) we are required to follow His (pbuh) teachings (hadith).

From above it is also clear that Ghamidi is trying to do in a subtle manner what Ghulam Ahmad of Qadyan (maloon) tried to do in open way i.e. snatch teaching part of prophet-hood of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Ghulam Ahmad of Qadyan openly declared himself as prophet, which meant the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would not be implemented but his, like he declared Jihad is no more part of Islam, etc. But Ghamidi is taking different route, he declares Hadith of Prophet (pbuh) as null & void in Shariat (nouzbillah) and then fills the void by his explanation of Holy Quran, like his saying giving riba is allowed in Islam.


We have been told in Quran not to have an opinion where Prophet (pbuh) has given His (pbuh) verdict. Also it has been told in Quran that hesitation to Prophet’s teachings / decisions is the mark of hypocrites and opposing Him (pbuh) will result in humiliation and punishment. By saying “teachings of Prophet (pbuh) has not role in Shariah” Ghamidi is doing all these things i.e. discarding the verdict of Prophet (pbuh) and putting forward his opinion instead, opposing Him (pbuh) by discarding His (pbuh) teachings (hadith)

Holy Quran Sura Al-Ahzab (33: 36) It is not fitting for a believing man or a believing woman to have an option in their affairs when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Rasool; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Rasool has indeed strayed into a clearly wrong path.

Holy Quran Sura An-Nisaa (4:61) When it is said to them: “Come to be judged by the Rasool in accordance with what Allah has revealed, ” you see that the hypocrites show their utmost hesitation in coming to you.

Holy Quran Sura Al-Mujadila (58:20) Those who resist Allah and His Rasool will be among the most humiliated.

Holy Quran Al-Anfal 8:13 That is because they opposed Allah and His messenger. Whoso opposeth Allah and His messenger, (for him) lo! Allah is severe in punishment.

Holy Quran Sura Anl-Nisaa (4:150) Those who deny Allah and his Rasool and those who intend to draw a line between Allah and His Rasools saying: “We believe in some, and reject the rest” – desiring to take a middle way between belief and unbelief

Ghamidi wants to sow just one seed in this blessed Ummah which is “Hadith has no value in Islam”. Because he knows if this one seed takes root in ummah then any kind of deviation can be made part of it (see figure at end).

We had already been informed about people like Ghamidi in following hadith. Following nullifies the whole premises of Ghamidi & likes of him which is we take Quran and-  hadith has no value in shariah (nouzbillah).

Narrated AbuRafi’: The Prophet (PBUH) said: Let me not find one of you reclining on his couch when he hears something regarding me which I have commanded or forbidden and saying: We do not know. What we found in Allah’s Book we have followed. (Sunan Abi Dawud Book 41, Hadith 4588)

Ghamidi’s approach is for direct confrontation of Hadith of Prophet (pbuh), that is he does not say that hadith are not from Prophet (pbuh), he does recognize that hadith are related from Prophet (pbuh) but he says they hold no value in shariat and we cannot derive laws from them. This is direct attack on prophet-hood of Prophet (pbuh) who was sent by Allah for our guidance by sending Quran to Him (pbuh), by making Him (pbuh) guide for All Mankind and by making Him Last Prophet.

Holy Quran Sura Al-Ahzab (33: 40) Muhammad is not the father of any of your men but (he is) the Apostle of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.

Holy Quran Sura Saba (34: 28) O Prophet, We have sent you to the entire mankind, to give them good news and forewarn them, but most men do not know.

The significance of being Last Prophet is that His teachings is for all time to come. And the significance of being sent to All Mankind is that His teachings are for all nations to come. Now if someone, like Ghamidi, says that His (pbuh) teachings (i.e. hadith) were for that time and those people and they do not apply today then He goes in direct confrontation of above two verses of Quran and in effect conveys he does not believe in universality of Prophet-hood of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Because if he (Ghamidi) would have believed that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is his prophet also he would have followed His (pbuh) teachings and not his desires.

Holy Quran Sura Al-Furqan (25: 43) Have you ever seen the one who has taken his own desires as his god? Would you take the responsibility of guiding him?

But on the contrary what Ghamidi does is that he does not believe in teachings (hadith) of Prophet (pbuh), rather he wants to be the teacher himself and want us to follow his teachings discarding the Prophet’s (pbuh) teachings. He (Ghamidi) is not a khabees for no reason.

The hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) that Ghamidi so ferociously attacks are teachings of Prophet (pbuh), the explanations of the Quran which is part of the Prophet-hood. Hadith has been well preserved using scientific methods which developed as Hadith science by likes of Hazrat Bukhari (r), Hazrat Muslim (r), Hazrat Abu-Dawud (r), Hazrat Trimidhi (r) and others.

After the Prophet’s (pbuh) death, the hadith were used by the khulafa-a-rashedeen [Hazrat Abu-Bakr (r.a), Hazrat Umer (r.a), Hazrat Usman (r.a), Hazrat Ali (r.a)] in deriving the laws in Shariah. Hadith were also used for same purpose by Mujadids, Ulmas, Fuqahas like Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa (r), Hazrat Imam Shafi (r), Hazrat Imam Hanbal (r), Hazrat Imam Malik (r) and countless other walis of Allah like Abdur Qadir Jelani (r), Sheikh Hamdani (r), Sheikh-ul-Alam (r). By negating hadith, Ghamidi is making the statement he is above sahabas, mujadids, walis. This is what it is all about self-glorification, had it been about Islam he would not have spread this fitna and opposed Prophet (pbuh) in letter and spirit.

The approach of Sahabas (r.a) towards teachings of Prophet (PBUH) is beautifully reflected in following hadith which is in complete contrast to Ghamidi’s. This hadith which contains an ayat of Holy Quran again nullifies the whole premisis of Ghamidi.

It was narrated that ‘Abdullah said: May Allah curse those who do tattoos and those who have tattoos done, those who pluck theirs eyebrows, and those who file teeth for the purpose of beautification, changing the creation of Allah. News of that reached a woman of Banu Asad who was called Umm Ya‘qoob, and she came to him and said: I have heard that you cursed such and such, and such and such. He said: Why should I not curse those whom the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) cursed, and those who are cursed in the Book of Allah? The woman said: I have read the Mus-haf from cover to cover and I did not find in it what you say. He said: If you had read it you would have found it. Have you not read the verse: ‘And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) gives you, take it; and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it)’ [al-Hashr 59:7]? She said: Yes. He said: And he did indeed forbid that. She said: I think your family do that. He said: Go and look. So she went and looked, and she did not see anything of what she expected to see. He said: If that were the case, she would not live with us. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (4604) and Muslim (2125)

Ghamidi does not spare even Sunnah of Prophet (pbuh). Muslims have been told to follow the Sunnah of Prophet for us to remain on guidance. But ghamidi’s dislike of Prophet’s teaching is such he changes the definition of Sunnah from “Sunnah of Prophet (pbuh)” to “Sunnah of Ibrahim (a.s) “. He says in “Fundamentals of Understanding Islam”, “The Sunnah, in Islam, is identified as the religious tradition instituted by the Prophet Abraham (sws)…… Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad (sws) was obliged, as entailed by the above mentioned verse of the Qur’an, to follow it himself and command the believers to adopt it. “

Holy Quran Sura Al-Ahzab (33:21) You have indeed, in the life of Rasool-Allah, the ‘Best Model‘ for him whose hope is in Allah and the Day of the Hereafter, and who engages himself much in the remembrance of Allah.

Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 1: Narrated Anas bin Malik: ………..Allah’s Apostle came to them and said, “Are you the same people who said so-and-so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who does not follow my tradition in religion, is not from me (not one of my followers).”

Muslims are the followers of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and we have been told to follow the His (pbuh) sunnah, as is clear from above. Some of those sunnah are the continuity of sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) like qurbani, etc. For the sake of argument, if the sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) was not done by Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) then we, Muslims, would also not have done that. That means in effect every sunnah we follow, we do that because it was done by Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). But Ghamidi has problem with that too, for him sunnah is what Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s) did. One wonders why does he has such dislike for Prophet (pbuh) like jews & mushriks have.

Holy Quran Sura An-Nisaa (4:59) O believers! Obey Allah, obey the Rasool and those charged with authority among you. Should you have a dispute in anything, refer it to Allah and His Rasool, if you truly believe in Allah and the Last Day. This course of action will be better and more suitable.

In above verse of Holy Quran, we have been told in Quran that in case of any dispute / disagreement on something in Islam we should refer the matter to Allah and His Prophet (pbuh). How we do that in our times is by consulting Quran and Teachings (hadith) of Prophet (pbuh) but Ghamidi is not for it, he want to replace teaching (hadith) of Prophet (pbuh) with his teaching by saying Hadith does not count in shariah and he (ghamidi) will explain Quran for us to resolve disagreements.

Now the question is why does people listen and follow him and what is their profile. In the video programs of Ghamidi most of the audiance comprise of qadyanis (pakistan has lakhs of qadyanis living there), one of the reason for this is he (ghamidi) refuses to call them non-muslims. Another group who follow him are those who call themselves as seculars, feminists, liberals, etc. this is because he mis-interprets Islam to their liking like he says women can lead / be imam for men in prayers, says hijab is not in Islam, etc. Another type of people who follow him are those who find excuses to somehow skip teachings of Islam. Like while greeting opposite gender he justifies kissing and handshaking, justifies giving riba, says if one gives tax then there is no need of giving zakat, etc. Still another type of people are gullible muslims, they get impressed by some of his explanations of some of the non-controversial topics and then get his rest of kufr as bonus.

Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 37, Number 4327: ……………. He said: ………… for ahead of you are days which will require endurance, in which showing endurance will be like grasping live coals. The one who acts rightly during that period will have the reward of fifty men who act as he does………..

As is clear from above hadith we had been told that sticking toIslam in end times will be like having live coal on hands. Not many can handle it so they take route of escapism and Ghamidi provides that escape route. Rather than relying on mis-interpretation of Islam by Ghamidi they should have relied on forgiveness and grace of Allah in their shortcoming in following real teaching of Islam. Iman i.e. believing in teachings of Islam as taught by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is basics of Islam and then comes the deeds based on those teachings. If a person chooses to accept the corrupt beliefs and then do deeds based on corrupt beliefs then he losses both Iman and Amal. But if a person’s belief is as per true teachings of Islam and on deeds side he / she struggles but tries can have hope in forgiveness of Allah and shafat (intersession) of Prophet (pbuh).

Sahih Muslim Book 002, Number 0482: Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) came to the graveyard and said: ……………….. Some people would be driven away from my Cistern as the stray camel is driven away. I would call out. Come. come. Then it would be said (to me): These people changed themselves after you, and I would say: Be off, be off.

Many people are not able to withstand the verbal attacks of kafirs / muskriks so they go into apologetic mode because of their own lack of knowledge of Islam. In the process they go into ‘this is not in Islam’ mode and these devilish scholars like Ghamidi come in handy.

Holy Quran Sura Ali-Imran (3: 186) You shall certainly be tested with by means of your wealth and with your persons; and you will certainly hear much that is hurtful from those who were given the Book before you, and from the mushrikin. But if you endure with patience and have fear of Allah, this will surely be a proof of your firm determination.

Even though Ghamidi’s basic premise is hadith has no role in Shariat, yet he himself uses hadith many times whenever it suits him and when is cornered on some topic his escape route there is again hadith.

Islam has reached to us from chain of Sahabas , Mujadids, Muhaddiths, Walis we should stick to it and not even listen to ideas of new comers. We are living in dajjalic age which preludes real Dajjal. About dallaj, Prophet (pbuh) has warned us not to even go near him.

Abu-Dawud Book 37, Number 4305: Narrated Imran ibn Husayn: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Let him who hears of the Dajjal (Antichrist) go far from him for I swear by Allah that a man will come to him thinking he is a believer and follow him because of confused ideas roused in him by him.

Who is promoting Ghamidi? Ghamidi is all over media and is being presented as scholar of Islam. His real following is minuscule but he is being promoted and presented as true and only scholar of Islam by media. We know the media is in control of kuffar and they use it to erase the teachings of Islam by promoting fake Islam. We are living in the age of disinformation, fake-news, big-lies, propaganda, manipulation and Ghamidi is an example of all these. While as message of true scholars like Dr Israr & true da’ees like Dr Zakir Nair are neve shown on media at the same time fake scholars like Ghamidi are being promoted with big budgets. A typical example is USAID by US government, a billion dollar project for promoting fake ideas / scholars among Muslims. USAID was established by US government after a report by RAND Corporation titled ‘Civil Democratic Islam’ ( The report categorized Muslims as Traditionalists, Fundamentalists, Modernists, Liberals and made a case for crushing Traditionalists & Fundamentalists and promoting Modernists & Liberals. No wonder he is praised in Jewish media (

Iman is the key to Jannah and Ghamidi is the disease of it. Shaitan had promised Allah he will take his share from humans to Jahannum and Allah himself recognizes the success of that claim. Ghamidi is one of the gates of hell, one of the instruments of Shaitan. We do not want to lose the key to Jannah by accepting his invitation to hell. Following Ghamidi does not even have worldly benefits except for being able to say to kafirs / mushriks ‘see I follow a liberal scholar and not the true Islam so do not hurt me’. Earning pleasure of kuffar at the cost of pleasure of Allah.

A true scholar of Islam would always like to have Islamic system governing a society, because being a true scholar he knows what Islam is. But this curse (Ghamidi) himself says he does want a Islamic system for a Muslim society and then gives a devilish smile, visit the link to see it

So true Muslim in his / her senses and with Iman will never be his follower is any aspect; Being his follower can be compared to being follower of another deviant- Ghulam Ahmad of Qadyan.


Holy Quran Sura An-Anfal (8:20) O believers! Obey Allah and his Rasool and do not turn your back to him, now that you have heard all.

Holy Quran Sura Al-Anfal (8: 13) This is because they defied Allah and His Rasool. Whoever defies Allah and His Rasool should know that Allah is strict in retribution,
